How to use the grid results
In this article
Click on a single column header once to sort ascending, twice to sort descending, and a third time to remove the sort.
Click on a column header to choose a primary sort and click on a second column header to choose a secondary sort. (ex. The primary sort is descending Gender and the secondary sort is ascending Person Name)
Click on a column header and drag it up to the gray area above the column headers. This will group the grid records based on the field you chose. (ex. Department) Then use the arrows on the left side of the grid to see the records under each grouping. (ex. Department = Football has 3 records)
Multiple Grouping
Click on a column header and drag it up to the gray area above the column headers to be your primary grouping. Click on another column header and drag it up to the gray area to be your secondary grouping. These groupings can be sorted ascending and descending or another column header in the grid can be your sorted column.
(ex. The Women's Basketball Department has 6 Athletes and 1 Coach and the results are sorted by the Person's Name.)
Hover your mouse on the right side of each column header, to reveal a hidden Filter function. From here you can find records in your grid that meet your filter criteria. (Ex. Filter the grid where Person "contains" Ben)
Other filter options: