Quick Check Out

This function allows you to quickly check out equipment for a person by scanning a person's barcode ID and the equipment's UPC number.

In this article:

Set Up

  1. Go to the Personnel Profiles screen, filter to a single department and role, and click the Search button. (Ex. Football Athletes)
  2. Click the Print Barcodes button (These barcodes are generated automatically when a person is added to the system.)

This barcode list can be printed and used during the checkout process. (Note: The example below has the names blurred.)

  1. Verify that the General Equipment you would like to checkout has UPC codes associated with it. (This is the barcode that will be scanned on the item's hang tag.)

Using Quick Check Out

  1. From the Home screen, click the Quick Check Out button.
  2. Scan the person's Barcode ID from the printed Personnel Barcode list. (The Department, Role, and Person will default in once the Barcode ID is scanned.)
  3. Scan the UPC on the item's hang tag. (You can scan more than one item at this time.)
  4. Click the Save button and the item(s) will be checked out to the person.

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