Update helmets "out to" and "returned from" reconditioner

Out to Reconditioner

Once you have decided which helmets to recondition/recertify, you can follow these steps to update your helmets in the system.

  1. Go to the Inventory -> Helmets screen and click Search for your helmet inventory.
  2. Highlight one or more helmets by holding down the Shift key to select a range or the Ctrl key to select records one at a time.*

* Skip Step 2 and go directly to Step 3 to use the Helmet ID scan feature to add your helmets to the Change Status grid.

  1. Click the Change Status button. The grid will populate with the helmets you selected or you can now scan one or more helmets to populate the Change Status grid.

  1. Click the Change Status drop-down list and select "Out to Reconditioner".
  2. Click Save. The helmet Status will update to Out to Reconditioner.

Returned from Reconditioner

Once your helmets have returned from the reconditioner, you can follow these steps to update your helmets in the system.

  1. Go to the Inventory -> Helmets screen and click Search for your helmet inventory.
  2. Highlight one or more helmets by holding down the Shift key to select a range or the Ctrl key to select records one at a time.*

* Skip Step 2 and go directly to Step 3 to use the Helmet ID scan feature to add your helmets to the Change Status grid.

  1. Click the Change Status button. The grid will populate with the helmets you selected or you can now scan one or more helmets to populate the Change Status grid.

  1. Click the Change Status drop-down list and select "Returned from Reconditioner".
  2. Click Save. The helmet Status will update to Returned from Reconditioner or Issued if the helmet is currently checked out to an athlete.

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