SCREENSHOT: Personnel Reports

How to Create Personnel Reports

Under Reports Tab, select Personnel Reports:

Then, Add Report:

Begin to build your report.  Label your report and select the Department:

Select the Department you want a report for; then the role/group:

Select Role of Personnel you want information for.

Check the Select All box or select individuals; Add:

Now move to the  Select Report Fields on the right.  Click on Field Type drop-down:  Profile will list information related to Personnel; Equipment will list General Inventory items. Select the Field Names you would like to see on the report.

Add to Report Fields list.

The up and down arrows allow you to change the order of Field types on the report.

When entry is complete, Save.  Then close this window (Cancel or X).

Now, highlight the report and Run Report.

Use sort functions as needed.

Download or Print Report.

Download to a CSV file:

Print Report:

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