Change Equipment Type

  1. On the General Equipment Inventory screen, click on the Define Equipment Models button at the bottom. This is where we define each model including Style number, Model Name, Manufacturer, & Equipment Type.
  2. Filter the list of existing models to find the one you want to change. I searched by Style number = 1351315.
  3. Highlight the model that you want to change.
  4. Click on the Change Equipment Type button.
  5. Select the New Equipment Type.
  6. Press Save.
  7. After a few seconds, you will receive a success message near the top of the screen. This takes a few seconds because we go through the system and update the equipment type everywhere that Style number is used.
  8. If you search again on the Define Equipment Models screen, the Equipment Type has changed to Sweatpants.






Rick 08/17/2021

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