22-03-29 Equipment OPS System Changes
The ability to prioritize and filter a user's Departments for all functions.
The Settings -> Users screen allows you to sort your selected departments with the most frequently used department at the top. This sort order will be used on all screens where department is used to filter the user's access.
Ability to capture Minimum and Maximum Levels for General Equipment
The Inventory -> General Equipment screen allows you to add, update and view a Minimum Level and Maximum Level for each General Equipment record. These levels can be added using the Add Equipment button and updated using the Update Equipment button. The General Equipment search results allow you to see the Minimum Level, Maximum Level and the Above Min quantity. Above Min quantity is a calculated field based on the Available Qty minus the Minimum Level value.
Game Worn Report Note and Footer
When printing a Game Worn report, you can add a "one time" note and/or a pre-built Footer. (See example below)
The prebuilt Footers are created using the Settings -> Game Worn Report Footer screen.
1. Click on the Add button and the Add window will pop-up.
2. Enter a Footer Name to be used in the Game Worn -> Print Report window.
3. Enter the text which you would like to print when this Footer Name is chosen. This can be up to 500 characters.
4. Click Save and this Footer Name will be available to use in the Game Worn - Print Report window.
Printing a Game Worn Report with a note and/or footer.
From the Game Worn screen, click the Game Worn button and enter in the Equipment ID for which you would like to print a Game Worn report.
1. Click the Print Report button.
2. Type in the text you would like to print in a Note field on the Game Worn Report. This can be a maximum of 500 characters and will only be available for the report you are currently about to print.
3. Choose a Footer Name from the drop-down list. This list displays all of your organizations active Footer Names created in the Game Footer Worn Report screen shown above.
4. Click Print and the Windows printer display will open and you can select your printer details.